Brown Bag November Challenge
For the last few years I have been on a journey toward minimalism. Probably not the “over-the-top-only-own-one-chair-and-a-lamp” type, but I want to keep my earthly possessions to a minimum for sure. I always say “all this stuff could burn up in a fire tomorrow and we would carry on with our lives and be fine.”
So, last November I started thinking about how much unnecessary stuff we had accumulated over the year and how Christmas was coming and we were going to get more stuff than we could imagine. 🎄I could feel the walls closing in on me. I don’t want to deprive my children of having nice Christmas memories of opening toys and getting excited about the holiday, but I also don’t want to set them up for a life of greedy or sentimental hoarding. So, I decided that November was a great month to deal with some of the surmounting clutter. I could have lots of positive conversations with the kids and explain to them that we need to make room for the new Christmas gifts and think through the items we own and decide what we REALLY need going into the future.
I walked into my pantry to declutter and realized I had a lot of brown, paper Kroger bags. I had a lightbulb moment! 💡 I could use the Kroger bags to help mark my progress and keep me on track. If I filled up one Kroger sack full of belongings each day to either sell, give to a friend, or donate to a local charity, I could help myself and everyone while meeting my decluttering goals!
I issued the challenge online and it was met with enthusiasm. Women in my community were very excited to join in this decluttering journey! Each day or so we would all post a photo of areas we were able to declutter, or selfie’s with our brown bags on the way to to Goodwill. It was motivating and inspiring to do this as a community. Send me a message and I can add you to my online community. I would love for you to join me this November for another round of decluttering!
I’m off to go fill some brown bags now! Best of luck ❤️