Welcome to Momma Snaps Back
Hello World! I’m starting a blog! Finally, right?
Well, Folks (otherwise known as all my friends and family from social media and church) have been telling me for years that my life is so crazy, so beautiful, so hopelessly distressed that I should DEFINITELY write about it. Well, “Folks”, here you go!
MommaSnapsBack, is born today! She came into the world kicking and screaming at a whopping 10 lbs and 21 inches long. We all have high hopes for her. 🙂
The “MommaSnapsBack” thing is truly near and dear to my heart for many reasons, which I will now bore you with, but please stick with me.
You probably know my oldest daughter. Quite the vocabulary and creative brain, that girl. She was about 3 when she declared that she will now be known as “Super Snap” and that from here on we should get comfortable with THIS being her new name, rather than the beautiful name her father and I painstakingly chose for her after months of deliberation. (LOL) We played along a little. Then, it somewhat accidentally STUCK. Oops. Then this “snaps” thing spread throughout the family.
Our second daughter became “GingerSnap” due to her fiery red hair. Next came Mom and Dad, otherwise known as “DaddySnap” and “MommaSnap.”<- (And now you see, right? This is like the point of the movie where they name drop the movie title and you go… “ohhhh, I get it” while slowly nodding)
Years later, our 3rd daughter was born and became known as “SugarSnap” because she was SUCH a perfect baby…until she started walking at 8 months. If I could rewind I would’ve named her something more appropriate like “TornadoSnap”, “ClimbingOnTheTableSnap”, “SpilledAllTheFlourSnap” …Truly, no ONE word can sum her up, so we will let her grow into her name of SugarSnap. Haha. This child is so Complex. I just LOVE HER SO MUCH! I know 100% that God has HUGE plans for this kid because she is all sorts of talented and amazing. SugarSnap fans, you’ll love this blog, it will be CHOCK FULL of her shenanigans.
Most recently, we added our 4th daughter, currently known as “BabySnap”, but that is subject to change. She “should” be our last ever child, but if you ask the doctor, that’s only about 97.1% true, sooo… This girl is a Grade A, top notch GOOD BABY! I could not have created a better baby if I were given a special order/request form from God himself. She is EXCELLENT!
So, that’s us. The “SnapPack” as we so cutely call ourselves (crowd says “awwwww” in unison). When we are out in public, we clap our hands and yell out “SNAPS!” when we want our kids to come back to us. It’s actually pretty helpful. I love it. We SNAPS stick together when other would buckle. I love my SnapPack. My Family. My tribe. My heart.
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Micah Hancock
You are amazing! I look forward to what you have to share. I am blessed to be your husband!