Disney Souvenir Hunting is my Favorite Sport!
We just got back from a trip to Disney World. My daughter and I had been researching what specific souvenirs we wanted and had a short list.
They included: 50th anniversary Starbucks tumbler, Mickey Waffle Backpack, Mickey popcorn bucket, Figment popcorn bucket, RoseGold OR Mickey waffle printed ears, Mickey Kitchen sink and park map spirit jersey. Whew!

TALL ORDER as most of these items cannot be found AT ALL anymore.
OK, so to start off the souvenir hunt I should say, we hunted for the Mickey kitchen sink for all of about 20 minutes. Lol. It was very easy to find and probably the only souvenir that we were looking for that was readily available. We bought this sink with a heaping Sundae from Plaza Ice Cream Parlor in Magic Kingdom.

Plaza Ice Cream Parlor actually had a lot of delicious treats to choose from. While we sat there eating our ice cream we were able to watch several Disney Cavalcade’s drive past us filled with characters and princesses. That ice cream break was a great vantage point for seeing a lot of characters and taking a minute to cool off 😎
Next I found my Rose Gold ears! We went to visit Mickey Mouse at Town Square Theater, and on our way out, we found my ears at Box Office Gifts, as we left the Mickey meet and greet ❤️ I was so excited! They also had the Mickey waffle ears that I wanted, but I didn’t want to buy the ears if I couldn’t find the backpack. So I continued hunting for the backpack…

I had been hunting for the Mickey popcorn bucket at every single popcorn stand. No one had it, and every popcorn vendor told me the same thing, “Sorry, he’s out of stock. No one has him.” I had just about given up on finding this bucket. Then as we were walking through animal Kingdom, approaching festival of the lion King, Low and behold, my daughter and husband saw him! One random popcorn stand was given a limited quantity of the Mickey bucket. The line filled in immediately! I jumped in line very quickly and bought him! We walked back by the same vendor maybe 10 minutes later and they were all gone. It was just a total right place at the right time situation. #DisneyMagic and perseverance ❤️

The figment popcorn bucket gave us cause for serious concern. When this bucket was first released people were standing in line for up to 8 hours to buy this! It was a very popular souvenir. By the time we arrived to Walt Disney World they had been sold out for over a week. My daughter, who is a huge figment fan, was very bummed. Nevertheless, the day we went to Epcot, we stopped by the PopEats! booth to check and make sure once and for all that there were none available. The cast members all but laughed. Haha. Of course there were none available, so this was just not going to happen for us.

We continued eating and drinking our way around the world showcase. We were back in Japan, having a lovely sushi doughnut, lamenting the fact that the Figment popcorn bucket was unavailable. A local woman, standing nearby, overheard our conversation. She popped over to our table and said that she had bought an extra figment popcorn bucket that she wanted to give my daughter as a gift!

We were in complete shock over her kindness! It was brand new and never used. She went out to her car and just brought it back in for us. Such a generous gesture. Definitely #DisneyMagic!
Could the Disney magic continue and help us find the Starbucks Tumbler I had been wanting? Let’s hope! This item had also been sold out for a while. I checked every store we went into. I asked every cast member at every merch shop. No one had seen them for a while. I was on a quest to find one for myself and one for my buddy back home in Indiana who collects these cups.
My Husband pops into the Starbucks in Magic Kingdom. While in the shop he sent me a photo message saying is this it?

!!!!! What?!?! YES! I could not believe it! So he quickly snatched two of these cups up for us. And same as with the Mickey bucket, they were all sold out moments later.
To top it off, he came back out with the 50th anniversary Mickey Cinnamon roll I had been wanting the whole trip! Way to finish our last park day off strong!!

The Disney Magic was so strong in helping us find so many limited edition items that had been sold out. I have no room to complain about anything. However, sadly, after much hunting, searching and wishing, I still was unable to find the park map printed spirit jerseys or any of the Mickey Waffle backpacks. The search continues.
Happy souvenir hunting friends!
Be kind out there, and as always, make good choices! ❤️❤️❤️