Honolulu TURTLES!
One of the best things I’ve ever done was actually a FREE attraction in Honolulu. We discovered a group of HUGE sea turtles lying on the beach and just spent the whole evening sitting near them. Watching. Talking to them. Freaking out with excitement every time they moved a muscle. It was basically turtle therapy.

These turtles were as long as our elementary school aged children! It was AMAZING. Like hanging out with a dinosaur.

I should note why we are so far from the turtles. There were signs posted stating that you must stay at least 10 feet away from the turtles. They are protected by law to keep them from being harmed or harassed. Safe to say, without those signs, we probably would have dug right down into the sand and snuggled with them.
Now, i’ll tell ya, finding these turtles was a TREK, but a beautiful adventure. First we followed maps and signage leading us to the Haleiwa Beach. When we rolled up though, the beach looked PACKED, so we drove maybe half mile farther and parked in a little dirt floor parking lot off the side of the road. We walked down an embankment and once we reached the beach we turned left and began our journey. We walked over sharp lava rocks filled with little pools of water. It was beautiful!

My Husband was the first to arrive to the turtles little hideaway as he eagerly plunged ahead. Sea turtles are his favorite and he was excited. It paid off big, because he was actually the adventurer to find these amazing creatures, thus making him the hero of the day.
If I’m ever fortunate enough to find myself back in Honolulu, I will journey back to this location and pray that lightning strikes twice and we find another turtle family resting in this secret cove.